Diabetes and eye complications: symptoms and treatment options

Diabetes and eye complications: symptoms and treatment options

You might be asking yourself, how do diabetes and eye complications tie in together? High blood sugar can result in severe damage in your eyes. In Canada, diabetes is one of the leading causes of blindness in adults. Since it is a painless disease, this is why you need to see your eye doctor for…

Measles Outbreak in BC: Connecting Measles and Eyesight

Measles Outbreak in BC: Connecting Measles and Eyesight

With the recent measles outbreak in BC, specifically the Greater Vancouver area, measles awareness has increased dramatically in the past couple of months.  With Spring Break coming up, and more families travelling to foreign countries that have lower levels of measles immunization, so we wanted to spotlight the connection between eyesight and measles, especially for…

Retinal Exams: Early Detection Of Diabetic Retinopathy

Retinal Exams: Early Detection Of Diabetic Retinopathy

What is Diabetic Retinopathy? This is a medical condition caused by diabetes where the tiny blood vessels in the retina are damaged by chronically high blood sugar. This damage causes bleeding, which distorts vision and, eventually, leads to blindness if untreated. This disease affects 80% of the people who have had diabetes for 20 years…

Playing Outside Can Help Reduce Risk Of Eyesight Trouble In Kids

Playing Outside Can Help Reduce Risk Of Eyesight Trouble In Kids

Remember back in the ‘good ‘ol days’ when our parents would send us outside to play until the sun went down? We were encouraged to play outside to get ‘fresh air’ and likely to get out of their hair while dinner preparations happened. What has happened? With the increase in technology, less school organized sports,…