Fraser Valley Cataract & Laser
Abbotsford (604) 853-5575 | Chilliwack (604) 792-4600 | Coquitlam (604) 474-3937 | Surrey (604) 372-3937
Symptoms of Dry Eye Disease typically affect both eyes and often include at least one of the following:
Before getting into the assessment and treatment options, it is important to review what exactly causes Dry Eye Disease. Studies show that 80% of all Dry Eye Disease cases are due to the Lipid (oil) layer of your tear film not functioning properly.
Protecting your eye are three layers. In front is the lipid (oil) layer, behind that is the aqueous (water) layer, and finally, there is the mucin (mucus) layer. A basic explanation is that the aqueous layer hydrates your eye and the lipid layer traps the aqueous layer against your eye, stopping it from evaporating.
As previously mentioned, most Dry Eye Disease is typically caused by an improperly functioning lipid layer. Without this oil layer, your eyes dry out quickly. The lipid layer is produced by Meibomian glands and many of our treatments focus on helping the meibomian glands produce enough oil to keep your eyes hydrated.
Our specialty Dry Eye Disease Clinic, led by Dr. Kulvir Dhaliwal, has helped many patients suffering from Dry Eye Disease to once again live life comfortably. The Dry Eye Disease Assessment will give Dr. Dhaliwal the information he needs to identify the root cause of your dry eyes and determine what treatment options are best suited for your needs.
We are committed to the highest standard of patient care and are excited to serve you here in our clinic. Below is a review of the various assessment methods we make use of.
IPL has been shown to provide relief for patients experiencing mild – severe dry eye disease symptoms. The pulsed light helps to stimulate and clear out meibomian glands allowing them to continue forming a healthy lipid layer protecting your tear film.
It is recommended that patients undergo 3 treatments, or, for optimal results, combine an IPL treatment with a session of Lipiflow.
Lipiflow has been shown to increase meibomian gland function threefold, one average, with just one treatment. By carefully applying the right amount of warmth and energy to the eyelids, oil obstructing the meibomian glands is cleared out.
Take a look at this video demonstration of how lipiflow can help relieve your dry eye disease.
When tears drain too quickly from the eye, it can exasperate dry eye symptoms. Punctal plugs are used to reduce the amount of liquid draining away from your eyes through the puncta. This results in your eyes staying better hydrated.
The doctor will quickly and painlessly insert the plugs into your lower puncta and, if necessary, the upper puncta as well.
After warming the heat mask in the microwave for 20 seconds, it will reach a temperature of about 42°C for 10 minutes.
This mask is the best method to achieve an even and consistent temperature in the eyelids. Doing this on a regular basis melts the oil clogging your meibomian glands, allowing them to continue secreting the oils necessary to protect your tear film.
Other forms of hot compresses, such as warm towels, do not retain heat long enough or distribute it even enough to warm the oil in your meibomian glands.
The unique synergy of Trehalose and Hyaluronic Acid used in Theatloz helps combat symptoms of dry eye disease in multiple ways:
Use I-Lid ‘N Lash to remove bacteria, dirt, and debris from the area surrounding your eye. By maintaining a clean lid surface you will experience less irritation and meibomian glands will create a more consistent lipid layer.
Omega-3 aids in minimizing dry eye symptoms by improving the quality of oil making up the tear film.
The quality of your omega-3 matters as well. At FVCL we offer a brand specially selected by our specialist that is proven to have a much greater impact than typical consumer brands.
Omega-3 has also been proven to play an important role in reducing joint pain, maintaining a healthy heart, and ensuring proper cardiovascular function.